What would happen if you just cut all the words out from a random page in a book you found leaving only the ones that resonate with you?
What would happen if you didn’t use the language you know to write your poem, but create a language of your own based on the shapes of things you see around you?
What would it look like if instead of writing, you drew your text?
For 4 weeks, a group of writers sat together with poet Michal Kamil Piotrowski to play and experiment with words, wordlessness, and form. Week after week, they grew more confident to make things weird and Michal couldn’t be happier about it.
Michal Kamil Piotrowski is our dear friend and a Folkestone-based poet with two collections out. The most recent one is full of shapeshifting poems which can be read in multiple different ways. Michal is a fan of experimentation, form and is absolutely amazing at finding inspiration in everyday situations. His energy is contagious and once we reached the final week of his experimental poetry course, all the writers involved pleaded him for more.
We can’t wait to have him back in The Green Room.